Chevin Forest Task Days 2023
Join the Friends of Chevin Forest for our task days, usually on the second Sunday of each month!
Our tasks include hedge laying, seed collection, boardwalk construction, tree guard collection, footpath repairs, orchard maintenance and scrub clearance. This work is essential to the management of this beautiful local nature reserve.
To be added to the mailing list for these events, contact Countryside Ranger Emma Towers: and state that you would like to sign up for the Friends of Chevin Forest task days.
Our provisional schedule for the coming months includes:
Sunday 16th April: Footpath Clearance, Drainage Work & Spring Clean – Litter Picking
Saturday 13th May: Wood footstep maintenance, and installation removing over hanging branches from footpath
Saturday 10th June: Bracken Bash to Benefit Heathland Flora & Fauna Species
Sunday 9th July: Himalayan Balsam Bashing
Sunday 6th August: Big Butterfly Count *led by FoCF volunteers*
Sunday 13th August: Maintaining Keeper’s Cottage
Sunday 10th September: Wildflower Meadow Management at Yorkgate Quarry
Sunday 8th October: Pond and Habitat Management
Saturday 4th November: Pond and Habitat Management
Saturday 9th December: Hazel Coppicing
Check out our Calendar page for the dates: