Acidic Grassland
Most of the grassland that occurs across The Chevin is acidic grassland that has established on thin, nutrient-poor soils.
Main species present:
Tufted Hair-grass, Heather, Bilberry, Common Bent, Heath Bedstraw, Mat-grass, Sheep’s-fescue and Yorkshire Fog
Rush Pasture
There are small scattered patches of an acidic grassland vegetation community resembling rush pasture which is comprised of additional Soft Rush and Tormentil – and also a Sphagnum moss (Sphagnum sp.) at one location on the Danefield side.
Semi-improved Grassland
Many fields on The Chevin were formerly agricultural land and often used as pasture, especially those on the more-sheltered lower slopes. It is likely these fields have had some fertilisers added over the years, leading to relatively nutrient-rich, neutral pH soils.
Main species present:
False Oat-grass, Ribwort Plantain, Tormentil, Creeping Buttercup, Yellow Rattle, Yorkshire Fog, Yellow Oat Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, Common Sorrel, Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Cock’s-foot grass, Common Bent, Crested Dog’s-tail, Selfheal and Dandelion.
(Information taken from Chevin Forest Park Local Nature reserve Management Plan 2016-2026)